For all those who thought the actor was joking about his political ambitions, the recently renamed actor, Desmond ‘Olushola’ Elliot began his campaign in the heart of Nollywood country this week when he was
spotted along with actors Odunlade Adekola and Bimbo Thomas in Surulere environs, He was present at a local sitting of the APC which involved discussing pertinent topics with the locale, particularly the Surulere Consistuency 1.
The photo however leaves much to the imagination as the supposed ‘campaign’ resembles more of a Tenant meeting than a proper campaign trail. Unless there only a handful of people who reside in Surulere consistuency 1. One would expect such a name as Desmond ‘Olushola’ Elliot to pull crowds no? Maybe it’s soon to call it? We shall wait and see.
Check out some pictures from the campaign.
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