Hm remember Two Years Ago the Earth Survived a Powerful Solar Storm, but Another one Might be on its Way

Two years ago, the Earth was at the verge of being hit by a powerful solar storm, the U.S. space agency said. On July 23, 2012, the most powerful solar storm in about 150 years tore through our planet’s orbit. Few people on Earth knew what was happening.
Daniel Baker, an atmospheric and space physics professor from the University of Colorado, says that if the solar storm had occurred just 7 days earlier, the Earth would have been in for trouble. However, STEREO-A spacecraft was not lucky. The storm hit the spacecraft designed to measure the parameters of such an event. After analysis of data obtained, the scientists concluded that the storm was comparable to the Carrington event, the largest solar storm on record that occurred in 1859.
Baker says that the Earth together with its inhabitants were lucky that the storm occurred when it did. The National Academy of Sciences says the solar eruption could have caused damage that would have taken several decades to repair. It estimates that the eruption could have led to damages worth about two trillion dollars. It could have damaged facilities such as power systems, dams, communication systems and possibly nuclear reactors.
The event starts with an explosion of the surface of the sun which sends out extreme radiation and X-rays towards our planet at the speed of light. These are followed by energetic particles which can damage the electronics in satellites. Lastly is the release of a cloud weighing more than a billion tons comprising of magnetized plasma and can take about one day to cross the distance separating the Earth and the sun. The Earth is able to deflect the cloud but a hit can have disastrous effect.
Pete Riley, a physicist, says that there is a 12 percent probability of a massive solar storm hitting the Earth in the next one decade.according to scientist.
